Your generosity will help us meet our Fundraising Goal of $10,000.
100% of your charitable contributions support our ministry in exciting ways.
*If you would prefer to donate by check, Please make checks payable to The Justice Foundation and mail them to 8023 Vantage Drive, Suite #1275 San Antonio, TX 78230. Please write “AHGH” on the memo line.

How you're helping.
$25 pays for 1-2 individual's post-abortion recovery study, covering the cost of printed materials and workbooks, and refreshments.
$50 pays for a month of podcast production
$150 pays for a 10-week group post-abortion recovery study, covering the cost of printed materials and workbooks, advertising, and refreshments.
$250 will fund an Apprentice Scholarship. AHGH Apprenticeships include preceptorship by a Certified Post-Abortion Recovery Group Trainer for two 10-week semesters, followed by an online Surrendering the Secret training module with a certificate of completion.
$200 covers travel and printing costs for an "on-the-road" panel event for a group of four team members. There is a growing demand for our team to travel outside of San Antonio to minister to others.
Why Donate?
Your tax deductible donation will help provide training and supplies for our post-abortion healing classes, and expenses needed to offer our panel events free of charge to churches, women's ministries, conferences and youth programs.
Our experience has shown that through testimonies of healed post-abortive women, more women come forward to break their silence and begin the healing journey.
At our panel events, our AHGH Team members share their abortion and adoption stories with the main goal of glorifying God and His mercy, forgiveness, and healing. He lifted our heavy burdens and broke the chains of guilt, unforgiveness, and grief. Our Lord exchanged it all for the redeeming and restoring JOY that is life-changing and uncontainable! It's now our heart's desire to follow the Lord's guidance by sharing our real stories, undeniable healing, and real hope to all who will listen.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart
Jeremiah 1:5
Make a Difference
Please consider donating to our ministry. Help us reach out to the pulpits of our churches, our college campuses, and high school youth groups and communities. By being the voices that have been silenced for over 40 years, we can end that silence and speak the truth of how Abortion Hurts, but God Heals!​
God may use our testimonies to offer support and encouragement to someone in a crisis pregnancy who is abortion-minded, or to share the truth about what abortion is and how it affected our lives. Our true stories, admitting our regret, and exposing the lies we once believed, may spur people to stand up and fight for the protection of the unborn.
Will you consider a tax deductable donation to our ministry?
As a nonprofit organization, our ministry is funded solely on donations and sponsorships from generous individuals with a heart for Life, the unborn, and those broken by abortion.
Thank you for supporting Abortion Hurts God Heals!